UI & Web Design
A website should convey information and be easily accessible. Most importantly in e-commerce, a website should persuade a customer to purchase. Aesthetic sense and cleanliness are the core qualities I research when I work on a web project. Translating and adapting editorial rules to the digital medium, positioning all the elements with hierarchy and design sensitivity. Finding the right balance that works for all products and pages, and different formats.

Printerpix is one of the world leading experts in photo printing and personalised gifts. Easy-to-make, high-quality and affordable products are the core principles that need to be communicated to customers through a clean design and an intuitive website navigation and easy check-out. Working closely with marketing team, I’ve designed responsive design sections based on using analytics and usability principles.
IusLaw is a specialised digital web radio for legal profession followed by more than 15.000 professionals, also covering the broadcast of legal proceedings. After designing a new logo, I've developed a colour palette to be adopted across the website and supported the redesign of a simplified and more user friendly website structure.

Palacassa is a multi-purpose indoor venue located in the exhibiting fairground of the city of Parma, in the heart of the productive districts of Northern and Central Italy. Following both the existing website structure and the brand guidelines, I designed new sections of the website as well as new elements and banners to support existing page content structure.